Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Today was fun! There was a pretty sizable weather system that hit us this morning, and is coming back for more tonight. The flooding was pretty bad this morning, almost hurricane status! At least it was short lived, and the waters receded by the time I got home from work. Work was fun today, ever since I got back from Alabama, the girls at work have been wearing yellow ribbons, to show support for Billy and me. It's so awesome to have them keeping my spirits up! Also, there is a group of "anonymous women" who have been leaving little prayer notes and gifts around the office for me since we got back. It's really sweet, although every time I say "thanks," no one will take the credit! I'm sure I'll find out who it is at some point. :) Work was also fun because our good friend John (Juanito) was at work! It was so fun!

On another note, Billy and I decided on using Skype as our primary form of communication when he leaves, so far it's been great. Alright, time to get back to high surf and tornado preparations. :)


  1. Yay!! I worked with amy

  2. That could only be Juanito! It was so fun working with you!!

  3. I told you I would post a comment. :)
