One week from today Billy and I will be in each other's company, probably sitting right where I am now. I'm looking forward to him coming home with all my heart, but in a small way it is a bitter sweet reunion, since his unit will be leaving the country soon. And I'm finding out that I really loathe saying goodbye to him. We aren't sure when exactly he's leaving, or where he'll be leaving from, so more than likely this will be the last visit we'll have until he is on leave at some point midway through the deployment. For Christmas Day we are going to Florence to be with our family. I wish we'd have enough time to make the trip to see Dad in Rhode Island, but he's only going to be here 3 days, and It'll be awesome for my mom's family to be all together and see him again before he leaves. Marisol is coming to Florence too, so she'll be a great addition to our Christmas!
Billy sent me this picture that I've posted, in fact he sent it just a few hours ago. They were bused out from Oklahoma to Arkansas for more training during these final days before he comes home. They are staying in tents and doing outdoors type training. Poor baby, I'm sure he's so cold! Well, that's it for now, Merry Christmas everyone!
Have fun with Billy! And tell him I said hello and I miss him! Love you both