Wednesday, October 21, 2009

In the beginning...

Well here is the first post on our brand new family blog! This is really going to be fun. This blog will serve as a way for Billy and I to communicate not just with our friends and family, but between ourselves as well. Today Billy left for 3 weeks of training with his unit in CA. As we are preparing for his deployment, we are also considering the variety of different communication tools there are available while he is over seas. Well, why not let this blog be one more avenue of communication we use to stay connected! Over the next few days and weeks while Billy is in training, I'll be changing and playing with our new site, so please add your input!



  1. By the way, this is where Billy will be training until 11/12/09: Fort Hunter Liggett (FHL). It is the largest installation in the Army Reserve and the eighth largest in the Army. With more than 165,000 acres of un-encroached mountains, valleys, rivers, plains, and forests it provides ideal maneuver areas for today's brigade-based Army. Just FYI, and here is the link where I got that info:

  2. I love your new website, it's such a wonderful idea! You should post the link on Facebook. The pictures of the wedding are just beautiful! They made me cry again.. I wish you and Billy many many happy years together with wonderful memories. Mom
