Friday, October 22, 2010

Tonight, it's me or the Wallpaper

Well, as the subject of this post might suggest, my Friday evening will be spent in the kitchen. Not surprisingly, our little house built in 1940 hasn't been updated much since it was constructed, specifically the kitchen wallpaper. While some may think this is endearing, I maintain my position that it is hideous, just terrible. So the white with blue ribbon and little red roses wallpaper that's been inhabiting the kitchen, has seen its last sunrise this morning. (The kitchen gets amazing morning light.) Then maybe tomorrow I'll paint it, I'm not really sure yet. Monica and Joe are coming over to help, and we'll make dinner together. I know I haven't written much about Monica, but she's basically been a Godsend since Billy has left, with her friendship, faith, and support. It's so funny how life works out, and I can't wait for Billy to come home, to get to know Mons and Joe better. Anway, I will be documenting this renovation adventure, which undoubtedly will be just as fun and interesting as past projects. Oh that's right, if anyone has suggestions, please let me know! So far, I've read fabric softener and hot water should do the trick... We shall see!

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